Parian Marble Ashmolean

This stone is especially good for countertops mosaic exterior interior wall and floor applications fountains pool and wall capping stairs window sills and other design projects.
Parian marble ashmolean. The parian chronicle or parian marble latin. The earliest extant example of a greek chronological table the narmer macehead and scorpion maceheads. Par is a greek chronology covering the years from 1582 bc to 299 bc inscribed on a stele found on the island of paros in two sections and sold in smyrna in the early 17th century to an agent for thomas howard earl of arundel this inscription was deciphered by john selden and published among the arundel marbles. Quibell and frederick w.
The nike of samothrace is made of parian marble c. Other articles where parian marble is discussed. 2 it has reached us in two sections ninety three and thirty three lines long. I thank charles crowther the centre for the study of ancient documents in oxford for access to a squeeze of the ashmolean section a of the parian marble and klaus hallof inscriptiones graecae.
It also called paros white marble paros semi white marble ash white of. The parian marble and the mnesiepes inscription. Parian marble is a stunning white color with light grey shades recrystallized calcitic non foliated metamorphic rock quarried in greece. Parian chronicle also called marmor parium or parian marble document inscribed on marble in the attic greek dialect and containing an outline of greek history from the reign of cecrops legendary king of athens down to the archonship of diognetus at athens 264 263 bc the years are reckoned backward from the archonship of diognetus and further specified by the reigns of kings or the.
Find the best information and most relevant links on all topics related tothis domain may be for sale. Parian marble 170 words marmor parium. For the tablet known as the parian marble or marmor parium see parian chronicle. The parian marble is a monumental inscription written in attic greek on a stele that was originally over two meters tall 1 dating from some time after 264 3 bce.
White semitransparent parian marble paria marmara used for sculpture and quarried from subterranean pits on the north side of mount marpessa was the chief source of wealth for ancient páros. Chronicum parium 264 3 bc. A decorated ancient egyptian macehead found by british archeologists james e. Several of the marble tunnels have survived.
Green in what they called the main deposit in the temple of horus at hierakonpolis during the dig season of 1897 1898.